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Congres Process Safety
Contact PSCongres

The seminar improves the process safety culture by networking and sharing of information. It is organised for the technical safety specialists and managers of companies that deal with hazardous chemical processes.

Key Note Lecturers
Jim Conner has a long lasting experience in operations of chemical companies and was VP Operations for Celanese. He obtained a great passion for process safety, and is giving trainings for the CCPS: listen to his amazing experiences.

Nicole Kroon is director of the Dutch Major Hazards Control. Hear her vision on how the authorities can help to improve industrial safety.

Vanessa Allen Sutherland was chosen by president Obama to become the Chair of the Board at the Chemical Safety Board (CSB), worlds leading institute for learning from incidents with chemicals: experience this world class speaker.

Gus Carroll is process safety & technology director for Centrica, and holds a board position at the European Process Safety Centre: feel his leadership.
Locatie Dordrecht
Organisator: PSCongres
Kosten: € 310
Met korting: € 220
Hobéon SKO accreditatie: 1 punt
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